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Swagelok Manufacturing

Nonstop Operation

We buy our bar stock direct from the mills, and then in our own manufacturing plants we forge, machine, electropolish, weld, assemble, and test, among other processes.

In other words, we own the manufacturing process from start to finish. This way we can control the maximum number of variables and ensure product quality.

We start by being very deliberate about the machines we buy because these decisions will have long-term consequences. We’re looking not just at the purchase price, but also the total cost of ownership.

In addition, we are disciplined about routine service. And we run a predictive maintenance program that addresses repairs before there is a breakdown.

We are driven to such measures by our desire for Zero Customer Disappointments, as well as our concern for the safety of our fellow associates.

See Our Manufacturing Operations for Yourself

Take a tour through Swagelok’s Main Plant to learn how we adhere to high quality standards while manufacturing millions of fluid systems components each year.