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Swagelok Services

Focus on the Customer

At Swagelok, we are singularly focused on the customer’s experience. So as customers have asked us to do more, we have provided services ranging from technical assistance and training to special product designs and assemblies.

Many of these services originate with our sales and service centers, which are grounded in the local connection to the customer.

But the global resources of Swagelok corporate bring additional benefits to the customer. As one interconnected organization – One Swagelok – we are able to address a broad range of issues for our customers:

  • Reducing procurement costs or inventory levels
  • Building assemblies, enclosures, or panels
  • Reducing energy costs, fugitive emissions, or leaks
  • Addressing safety issues
  • Providing training and education for the customer’s workforce or vendors
  • Solving coordination or logistical challenges across the globe
  • Delivering expertise in product or system design, materials science, or corrosion issues

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